Fire & Ice

 Fire & Ice is an apparel store in Second Life.  Currently only accessible through the Second Life Marketplace.  The featured clothing are mostly created on a whim or upon request for role play or for artistic render purposes.  

Our world has become more and more digitalized as they years go on and we will see more and more need for artist and creators to make objects, clothing and more to help us express ourselves across a vast range of platforms.  There was a time when no one ever thought virtual reality would ever be so important but as technology grows and pandemics and world health become more of an issue you are going to see more and more virtual reality situations.  

We are creating communities on the world wide web.  While many are still using it as a platform for role play it has become the key to some very important real-life situations.  Relay for life has been held in virtual reality.  counseling and substance abuse support centers have made use of the virtual platform to bring people together and reach those that they would otherwise have not been able to provide support to.  

Business have used the virtual world to provide a place for their employees to meet when they are scattered across the globe.  So I will continue to create and learn new methods for creating and I hope one day you will share the same enjoyment I have in my creations.  
