This has really been in the works for a little while. I've been wanting to include men's clothing in my store but I still have not exhausted all the ideas of things I want to make for women. And things in general. over the last month I have started to include clothing for men. This is going to be slow going as I build up an inventory of things. Since I'm just one person and I work a regular job outside of SL, it takes time to build and develop clothing items.
I can not express enough how much time and effort goes into creating new mesh for each new clothing item. Creators in SL are fulfilling more than one role when they create clothing. Particularly when they do all the work themselves. When you think about how video games are actually prepared and created it's allot of work. There are concept artists, mesh creators, riggers, texture artists and more. It still amazes me how volatile some people behave when they speak so negatively to or about creators. Their worlds would not be possible without us. Only another creator how has poured hours and hours over their computer creating things would even begin to understand this. So for all those non-creators who actually show appreciation for our efforts I can say this without a doubt. you are very much appreciated in the virtual world.
Creators do and often will make adjustments of their creations if you ask them nicely enough and they have the time to do it. That includes myself. So please, if you find something is not quite right with an item, reach out to me in world. Let me know what your seeing and I will try my best to work on a solution.
Now I'd like to introduce some items that I have created or fitted to Belleza Jake. right now I am just starting with one male mesh body, but these items will later be fitted to Gianni, and legacy.
I have a few items that I made fresh from scratch, and a few items that were origins of others that were royalty free but not built for SL. So I have had to make changes to them to work for SL.
Those royalty free items again have been modified so the mesh is not exactly how it first came to me.
my from scratch items are the following
Most recent is the angelic armor. some of these items are influenced by photos, cosplays, manga, and sometimes other artwork so if they seem familiar that is probably why. This product is a 5 piece set. it doesn't come with wings, those were added for the ad only. I have not made any wings to go with the set but I am sure there are wings in world created by others that will go with it very nicely. it comes with chest plate, sleeves, belt, pants and shoes. this has some Celtic, angelic and even elvish imagery applied to it as decoration. There is no specific reason for those image and symbols other than the multiple theme purpose of the design. I'm always open to other decoration designs if someone has an idea of something they would like to see on the armor.
These steam punk boots were built from scratch and were inspired by some images of similar real-life boots. later after I made these, I came across some that were created by another person that more closely matched the real-life version. those were not available in sl, they were also not royalty free. so while my version is similar, they were not crafted by someone else. I still see some small issues that I need to work out in the creation but unless your looking very closely you don't really notice it.I may have already introduced this set. the steampunk basic suit for Jake was also a creation from scratch it comes with pants. and two top options. one with just the vest, collar and tie. and one with the vest and Jackets. The sleeves on this one were from an older BOM outfit. I included the sleeves for under the vest, it's modified so you really don't want to wear it as a standalone, it was just nice to have another option for under the vest. Boots did not come with this set although the steampunk boots will fit under the pant legs and so will most ankle high boot as long as they are not overly think.
Now for the royalty free items.
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